Traditional Attire

Traditional Attire
Elder Bob & Sister Martha Egan in traditional African attire on African Heritage Day in Soweto

Monday, July 18, 2016

Zoo Lake with Pearls and the 4th of July

On the 2nd of July, we spent a lovely day at the Zoo Lake Park, walking around the lake with former Cape Town AP Mark
Pearl and his family, who are emigrating to New Zeaalnd. Mark left the following Wednesday and the family will follow.

Martha with Genevere & Juliet
and Mark & Daniel

The Zoo Lake with the Joburg skyline and Telkom tower in the
background (left) and the Johannesburg Temple spires can be seen
if you look carefully or zoom in on the horizon right of center



Celebrating the 4th of July in South Africa
South Africans at an American 4th
of July barbecue in South Africa, our
Temple President & Matron, the Eppels
Get your buns over here with the burgers

More than 20 senior couples, Area and Temple, participated
in a 4th of July celebration in the Dukes Court garden

We had to keep moving the grill because the tenants\complained
about the smoke - finally the Chairman of the Dukes Court
Board of Trustees, Yogan Naidoo, who was getting the
complaints, said "Put the braii (grill) outside my window!"

Yogan Naidoo, Board Chairman, and Christo Rouhotas,
Building Manager were invited to join us for the barbecue
Fezi Maruping and her husband Tshepo, one of Bob's
Cape Town missionaries, had us over to the home for
dinner and a winter evening by their fireplace

One of the great joys of missionary working is welcoming new members into the Church via baptism and confirmation.
Elder Carr from Leeds, England (2nd from left) and Elder Wardle from Utah (right) seem to be baptizing almost every week in our Protea Glen Branch. The young man in the center was baptized on the 3rd of July, then he baptized his father, 3rd from right, the following Sunday, the 10th of July, and two others (the sister left and brother, second from right) were also
baptized, and we had three confirmations our final Sunday, on the 17th of July!

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