Traditional Attire

Traditional Attire
Elder Bob & Sister Martha Egan in traditional African attire on African Heritage Day in Soweto

Monday, July 18, 2016

First Ever Women's Conference in Soweto Stake

Martha with Soweto Stake Relief Society President Grace Mbobo from the Protea Glen Branch - Martha gave her the idea
to do a stake women's conference on 11 June and helped her put together the agenda, speakers, publicity, program, etc.

Women's Conference posters in each building

Cover of the Women's Conference program

Stake President Thabo Lebethoa presided and spoke to the sisters

Sister Mbobo conducted the meeting

Spekaers included the Area Mental Health Advisor - Sister Marcia French,
Sister Mbobo's daughter -  Wenzile Radebe and Sister Linda Dunn,
wife of the Johannesburg Mission President

Stake Relief Society Choir

Sister Nonhlanhle Themane, Protea Glen Branch
RS President conducted the Stake RS Choir

Over 170 women attended the Conference

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