Traditional Attire

Traditional Attire
Elder Bob & Sister Martha Egan in traditional African attire on African Heritage Day in Soweto

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

"'Til We Meet Again" Party at the Johannesburg Mission Home

President and Sister Dunn of the Johannesburg Mission honored us at the Mission Home with our closest mission friends at what turned out to be a wonderful evening in their beautiful mission home - our time is getting short! 3 weeks to go!!

President and Sister Dunn told us we couldn't bring food
like everyone else, so we brought flowers instead, a
protea and kale bouquet that Martha put together
especially for the occasion

Visiting in the lounge

  Visiting with the Dunns in the dining room    

Dessert time in the kitchen

Pres. Ashton of the MTC, Jennie Robison (who Bob knew in
Cape Town), Sister Liz Walton and temple President Bob Eppel.

The Lombardis during dessert -
We were asked to recommend 10-12
couples to share this special occasion
with us and enjoy the Dunn's great
hospitality in the mission home

Visiting after dessert with Taunia Lombardi and Liz Walton - It seems like just the other day we were invited to a similar
event at the mission home to honor Laird & Vaudys Dummer as they were leaving - hard to believe that was 17 months ago!

The Dunns asked us to share what we will miss the most, summarize some highlights from our service,
and bear our testimonies, to close out a wonderful evening. (Thanks to Sister Linda Dunn for the photos)

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