With Liezel and Hennie Andrews after their wedding Friday at the Roodepoort Stake Centre |
Last Friday, 11 December, was Liezel Schwulst's wedding to Hennie Andrews at the Roodepoort Chapel, followed by a reception at The Willows. The day truly was everything she had anticipated it would be, and we were so happy to be a part of it. Elder Christoffel Golden of the First Quorum of Seventy and his wife Diane are home in South Africa for Christmas and were at the wedding. He was the Area President here when Bob was mission president. We had a great visit with them and their daughters, who provided the music for the wedding. Here are a few photos:
Liezel's father walks her up the aisle |
Hennie & Liezel enjoy the petal shower
after the wedding ceremony |
Hennie & Liezel at the reception with their protea bouquets |
Hennie & Liezel dancing at the reception at The Willows |
On the printed wedding program, they listed this fun and apropos saying, ""Once in a while, right in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairy tale," and they plan to live happily ever after.
Then on Saturday, we had a delicious and fun steak dinner at Turn 'n Tender with Allen and Maureen Young. Elder Young, formerly of the Seventy, was in the Area Presidency for five years until he was released 5 years ago. He was in the Area Presidency here the full time Bob served as mission president. We had a delightful visit and committed to do it again.
December 16th is a national holiday in South Africa. It was originally Covenant Day, a celebration of Apartheid (racial segregation) by the Afrikaans government, which can best be understood by reading James Micehner's "
The Covenant." After democracy replaced apartheid in the mid-'90s, President Nelson Mandela eliminated Covenant Day by replacing it with "Reconciliation Day," a celebration of racial equity, freedom and democracy, ironically celebrated on the same day, where it has continued to the present. All government offices, banks and shops are closed, as is our Area Office.
The temple was open, so we chose to work as ordinance workers in the temple for the morning of the holiday, and Bob was able to perform a large number of proxy confirmations, initiatories and sealings, Martha participated as a patron for sealing work. Then, in the afternoon, we took a drive to Shosanguve, about an hour away, and met one of Bob's missionaries, Monde Skosana, for lunch and were able to counsel with him and help him through some challenges he is facing.
On Monday we were invited to a special Christmas Family Home Evening with the Area Presidency at The White House with all the senior missionary couples. Elder Cook conducted and concluded the meeting in the Garage, Elder Ellis gave us a Christmas lesson, and the sisters played and led the music. We danced out on the driveway for the FHE activity, then we went into the White House, where all four apartments were open to all, and we enjoyed strawberry shortcake and visiting.
Our Area President Elder Cook and his wife Lynette conduct family home evening in the garage using the giant FHE chart |
Half the group in the garage |
The other half of the group |
A shot of a few of the senior couples dancing to "The Christmas Waltz" with no "frosted windowpanes" in sight,
taken from Elder and Sister Cook's upper floor residence overlooking the driveway and garage (We are far left) |
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