Traditional Attire

Traditional Attire
Elder Bob & Sister Martha Egan in traditional African attire on African Heritage Day in Soweto

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

December is Here!

Martha put together this South African Protea Christmas wreath for the front door of our flat, #410 Dukes Court, Killarney

It's December, and the weather has become very summery, temperatures in the 90's and thunderstorms at night that cool things down. Christmas activities are scheduled throughout the month, and we have spent time this past week getting our Christmas greeting out and our Christmas packages off.

We have been walking for an hour or so (3-4 miles), through the upper class neighborhoods around where we live, about five mornings a week between 6:00 and 7:00, while it's still cool, and we now have a few different routes we take, for variety. This is a real beautiful place to walk. Our pace is to walk a mile every 14-15 minutes. The Saturday after Thanksgiving we walked 5 full miles.

Some photos taken from our morning walk through neighborhoods
surrounding the Johannesburg Zoo and Zoo Lake Park area

Every property is enclosed by 10-foot walls, with concertina wire
and/or electric wires, so these photos were snapped through gates

An African Barn Owl
African Hornbill

 An agapantha forest on Eastwold, where we walk most mornings

The agapantha grow to nearly 6-feet tall!
We love to be with the great saints in our Protea Glen Branch every Sunday, and it's always fun when Bob's missionaries stop be when they come here to visit the Johannesburg Temple.

Martha has two boyfriends who always want to sit by us
in sacrament meeting and try on her glasses

Sister Joyce Tahla Modie from Botswana and her family stopped by for a visit when they were here for the temple

There is a link to our 2015 Christmas Greeting that you can click on near the top of the right sidebar.

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