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That same day we were also visited by another of Bob's returned missionaries, Sfiso Maremela, from nearby Tembisa, who was in the area office attending an employment workshop in an effort to upgrade his employment situation |
It's always a happy reunion when we get together with any of our missionaries from Cape Town.
We just love being here for our former missionaries, many of whom don't have fathers or mothers to counsel with. Many are at turning points in their lives and need parental guidance. We know we are here in Africa for several reasons, and that is clearly one of them.
This was a very busy week for Martha, as she had the responsibility of getting three flats in Dukes Court ready for new senior missionary couples to move into on Friday, Sunday and next Wednesday. She was busy coordinating cleaning crews, plumbers and other workers, and laundering area rugs, cleaning out cupboards and generally tidying up in preparation, as well as preparing their welcome packets. And she was asked to speak to the first ever Relief Society activity in the inner city Johannesburg 2nd Ward on Saturday for a half-hour on the challenges of being a single mother. She followed Sister K.K. Ellis (wife of Elder Ellis of our Area Presidency), who spoke on Marriage and Families and Christ-centered homes.
Martha was inspired to speak on how these single mothers could be "Free from Fear and Full of Faith" and discussed with them how to Fortify themselves (God, prayer, scriptures, physical exercise, etc.), Forgive (others and themselves and claim the blessings) and Form committees or support structures of close people whom they can rely on for help, including Priesthood bearers. Her presentation was very well received and greatly appreciated. The Spirit spoke through her and the sisters seemed deeply touched and inspired.
On Saturday night, Elder & Sister Lombardi invited all the senior couples to their flat at Seven Oaks for games and a potluck barbecue on their patio, which was really a lot of fun.
On Sunday evening, we had a fireside with Elder Stanley G. Ellis of the First Quorum of Seventy and our Area Presidency for all the senior couple missionaries, and he shared some very interesting and helpful information about how the answer to all the cultural problems in Africa, including poverty, disease and evil traditions, is the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
At the center of the solution to Africa's issues is self-reliance, our helping them help themselves rather than giving them what we think they need. Handouts haven't worked but have perpetuated the problems. $7 Trillion in aid to help Africans hasn't shifted the poverty level of the continent even one percent. Senior couples who mean well perpetuate the problem when they give rather than teach, as giving fosters dependence rather than self-reliance. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the answer!
Elder Ellis cautioned us:
- Don't get overwhelmed by the need and feel guilty about not being able to give to everyone
- Be grateful more than ever for what we have
- Sincerely compliment those who demonstrate self-reliance
- Focus on our mission, and be missionaries - teach the Gospel
- Remember where we are (Africa, not the Wasatch Front)
- Focus on the basics vs. the unnecessary "fluff"
- Sacrifice - forget yourselves and serve others, but in the Lord's way
- Help people help themselves
I love this post! It really is so awesome that you get to be there for so many of those missionaries who love and need you right now. And fascinating how that all the financial help to Africa hasn't changed the poverty level. It will be great to watch the power of The Gospel change it over time as it grows and spreads over there. And amazing that you're a part of that!!