Traditional Attire

Traditional Attire
Elder Bob & Sister Martha Egan in traditional African attire on African Heritage Day in Soweto

Friday, June 3, 2016

A Township Tour of Langa and Goodbye to Cape Town

On Friday, May 20th, we met Bob's former Cape Town missionary Desmon Mokgosi and his wife at the
community center of the Langa township and they gave us a tour of the Cape's most densely populated township

Sampling of mosaics at Guga Sthebe,
Langa's Community Center

Township kids

A typical hair salon in the township

A row of identical but uniquely painted homes with geysers
(geezers - water heaters) on their roofs (gravity controlled)

A spaza (informal general store) in a
container in the township

The reason Langa is more densely populated than other townships is
 because they agreed to accept multi-family housing from the government
Sheep and goat heads for sale, a delicacy found all over the township
Sheep and goat heads being barbecued into "Smilies"

Langa's refugee camp for foreigners with no home

The meetinghouse where the Langa Branch meets, which is actually a crèche or pre-school every day but Sunday.
The sign says "Visitors Welcome" by the fence and razor wire seem to say otherwise
A typical township stall

After the Township Tour of Langa, we bid goodbye to the Mokgosi's, who were wonderful guides, and headed to Pinelands, near the mission home, for one last meal of kingklip and chips at Mr. Fish, then we drove to the mission office and picked up Thirsly from her Friday afternoon duties and drove her home and said goodbye to her, Sindiswa, Bongi, Sam and her granddaughter at their home.

Kingklip and chips at Mr. Fish, Pinelands


For our final evening in Cape Town, we drove up to the Rhodes Memorial Monument for a
 glorious view of the city and then to Signal Hill for the very best view of the city, at sunset. It
was spectacular, but difficult to realize that it is likely our last evening ever in Cape Town.
It's autumn in South Africa, but we didn't find fall colors in Johannesburg, even though
leaves were falling. But the colors were more evident in Cape Town, like here on  
Table Mountain behind the Rhodes Memorial Monument

Table Mountain from Signal Hill at sunset

One last view of beautiful Cape Town and the Atlantic Ocean at sunset


Photos of Cape Town and the V&A Waterfront
from the "Cape Wheel" Ferris Wheel

The Aquarium and Table Mountain

Downtown Cape Town Skyline and Table Mountain

V&A waterfront Hotel and Devil's Peak

The Waterfront and Wharf

Table Mountain and the city skyline

Looking toward Table Bay

Victoria Wharf Mall and Amphitheatre

Ships in Table Bay

Restaurant row and the other hotel

The Aquarium and Signal Hill

More ships on Table Bay

Table Mountain and the city bowl

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