Traditional Attire

Traditional Attire
Elder Bob & Sister Martha Egan in traditional African attire on African Heritage Day in Soweto

Monday, March 14, 2016

Singin' in the Rain for Martha's Birthday

Martha's birthday lunch at Flames at the Four Seasons Westcliff Hotel in Johannesburg

Martha's birthday necklace by Cinda Hunter

March 9th was Martha's birthday, and we began celebrating the day before, on Tuesday the 8th. Bob hadn't been to Cinda Hunter's unique and quaint accessory shop in Midrand, which Martha loves, so we decided  to go there together and find a birthday treasure for Martha. And we did! Martha fell in love with a beaded necklace that contained four special beads from Morocco and discs of compacted amber, and highlighted by a beautiful and unique bead from Nepal. And she also immediately loved a scarf from Thailand, woven of wild silk. Those were her birthday presents.

We didn't go for our normal 4-mile morning walk on the 9th because it was poring rain, and the rain continued all day, all night, and well into the next day. This is by far the longest and heaviest downpour we have experienced in Africa. There was just a brief break in the clouds at noon when we went to lunch at the Flames restaurant atop the Four Seasons Westcliff Hotel. As soon as we were seated and enjoying the amazing view, the downpour continued and the blinds were pulled down to protect us from the storm, as the rain pelted the roof over our heads.
Norwegian salmon with fresh veggies
and a crushed almond sauce - delicious!
View overlooking Johannesburg from the Four Seasons
in a torrential downpour on Martha's birthday, March 9th

It was only fitting that we topped off the rainy day in the evening at the musical, "Singin' in the Rain" which ends its run this weekend at the majestic Montecasino Teatro in Sandton. It was a magnificently performed musical based on the 1952 movie. The rain scene ‘rains’ (and recycles) over 12,000 liters of water per performance. This famous part of the show is the highlight, leaving front 3 rows a little wetter than when they first arrived! We had great seats - about 15 rows back. There were big, colorful and remarkable musical singing and dancing numbers where the movie's iconic choreography was flawlessly and beautifully performed on stage. What a production! For the finale and curtain call, the entire cast was on stage with umbrellas doing the Singin' in the Rain dance! We loved it and it capped off a perfect birthday!

Grand Finale in the "rain"


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