Traditional Attire

Traditional Attire
Elder Bob & Sister Martha Egan in traditional African attire on African Heritage Day in Soweto

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

One Year Later

Bob sealed three families from Kenya on 19 January 2016, including his former Cape Town missionary Charles Onyango  Owuor (far left) to his wife Addah, nine-year old daughter Talia, and one-year old son Tyron, in the Johannesburg Temple.
The 3 wives and the older brother in the center of the photo, next to Bob, received their endowments prior to the sealing.

It was a year ago today, the 20th of January in 2015, that we landed in Africa. It's hard to believe that our mission is two-thirds over! Time has gone so fast, and we have so much more to do and see while we're here. This past week we said goodbye to our MTC President Phil Collins and his wife at a farewell dinner hosted by the Dunns at the mission home, and Bob was able to seal another of his former missionaries to his wife and family in the Johannesburg Temple yesterday, along with two other families from their Lucky Summer Ward in Nairobi, Kenya.  Each family has a one-year old son, and two of the families had two kids each. The family with just the one son named him Heber Jeddy, after President Heber J. Grant. All 5 of the children were so beautiful in their white clothing as they entered the sealing room and approached the altar with their families.

What a way to cap off our first year in Africa!

The couples also told us that another of Bob's missionaries, Maurice Orina, was just ordained a bishop in Nairobi!
Laughing before dinner at the mission home with President & Sister Dunn and President & Sister Collins (right)
Elder & Sister Ellis of the Area Presidency (top left) visit with President Dunn, President & Sister Collins (bottom left)
and Elder Jubber, Area Medical Advisor, with President & Sister Eppel of the Johanesburg Temple (bottom right)
After the sealing of the Charles Onyango Owuor family in front of the Johannesburg Temple

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