Traditional Attire

Traditional Attire
Elder Bob & Sister Martha Egan in traditional African attire on African Heritage Day in Soweto

Monday, July 13, 2015

Wellness Week and Doppio Zero

Mascots for the yellow, orange, blue and green teams at the Wellness Week Fun Run on Friday
Besides being quite a busy work week for both of us in our assignments, this week was Wellness Week, and the area offices had things going on every day for employees and senior missionary couples including Men’s Wellness and Women’s Wellness sessions by Elder and Sister Barton, a stress management workshop with Elder Peterson, checks of blood pressure, cholesterol levels, vision and hearing tests, etc. and to cap things off, a "Fun Run" relay race on Friday with different department teams competing to see which teams and individuals could walk/run the most kilometers on a marked and measured course, from the temple gates to the Area office building and back, in one hour. All employees were given the afternoon off to dress up in team colors and participate in this “load shedding” event.

If you can’t find us in the photos, it’s because they were taken on Friday afternoon, and we serve in the temple Friday afternoons. There was also a prize for best mascot, but we weren’t there to find out any of the winners. We would have been on the orange team (the "Tiggers") with the Area Presidency and staff, but all the Area Presidency were out of town.

Although we weren’t in the "Fun Run," we have made a conscious effort over the past little while to do more daily exercising, including going for a brisk walk every afternoon around our Killarney neighborhood for a half hour or more. The weather has been beautiful, temperatures in the 70’s and dry. And the days are now getting longer. This is really our kind of winter weather!

Also on Friday, a young 23-year old stake president’s daughter from Cape Town, Kari Kruger, who Martha met at our open house at the Cape Town Mission Home in January, and who we saw again at a sealing here in February, was in town for the weekend, staying with President and Sister Dunn in the Johannesburg Mission Home. She says Sister Dunn and Sister Egan are her two “most favorite people” (She calls them Auntie Linda and Auntie Martha) and she wanted to do a temple session with us and the Dunns and have dinner out with the four of us. We were the officiators of the 4:00 endowment session that she and the Dunns were patrons for, then we went out for a nice dinner at Doppio Zero in Greenside, a fun restaurant the Dunns love that we hadn’t been to before. It was a very fun evening.
Kari Kruger, 2nd from right, with Auntie Linda Dunn and Auntie Martha Egan

We can’t believe how much we are enjoying our mission and how much we love living in Johannesburg as newlyweds in our one-bedroom rental apartment.

1 comment:

  1. You bet it's my two favorite people!! Although, I would extend that further to the four of you... husbands included ;) What a blessing of a weekend and time I got to spend with you wonderful, inspiring, beautiful, exemplary four people. As if we were family...Truly of my most treasured memories. I love you!
