Traditional Attire

Traditional Attire
Elder Bob & Sister Martha Egan in traditional African attire on African Heritage Day in Soweto

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Namibian Adventure and Martha's Birthday

We 're a little slower than normal with our posting this time. We were out of the country over the weekend and yesterday was Martha's birthday. We celebrated at the Spur Steak Ranch, using a gift card from our son Erik...

When we found out that two new branches and the first-ever  district in Namibia were being formed on Sunday, Bob asked our Area President, Elder Cook, for permission to visit Namibia this weekend, at our own expense. He agreed it would be worthwhile and gave us his blessing. We flew out Saturday morning and arrived in Windhoek before noon, rented a car and checked in at the Kalahari Sands Hotel. 

Johannesburg, Cape Town and Windhoek are three points on an equilateral triangle, each 1000 miles apart. So we are no further from Windhoek in Joburg than we were in Cape Town, a 2-hour flight. 

Since it was Saturday afternoon, all the shops closed about an hour after we checked into the hotel, but we were able to find Martha some fun African birthday gifts.

Being in Namibia was really an amazing experience for Bob. In fact, for both of us. Especially the conference on Sunday. Everyone came up to him and hugged him and reminisced about specific things, particularly regarding the creation of the second branch in Namibia in 2006. It was a grand reunion, and Martha very much enjoyed meeting these wonderful saints. 

When we pulled into the church parking lot, the Makuwa family (Womba's parents) pulled up right beside us. They were surprised and delighted we were there, and Bob felt immediately that Brother Demus Makuwa would be the new district president. Shortly thereafter, President Wilson, the mission president, and his wife pulled up on the other side of us and introduced themselves and welcomed us. 

Then we were greeted at the chapel doors by Johannes Swartbooi, who Bob had called and set apart as branch president in both the Windhoek and Katutura branches in 2005 and 2006. He is now a counselor to the mission president and conducted the conference. He was also the first speaker. 

We stood by the doors and greeted everyone who came, and Bob was able to remember almost everyone (except the new converts) and called them by name. What a fun surprise for all these people who just love Bob!

It was a wonderful, spiritual conference and very well orchestrated and presented. A newly returned missionary bore his testimony and Sister Wilson and Elder Wilson both spoke and set the stage for the reorganization. President Wilson explained what a district is and its advantages and sustained the new district presidency, President Makuwa and his two counselors, President Charles Kashihakumwa and President Muine Samahiya, who were the past 3 presidents of the Windhoek Branch, all very experienced and effective leaders, who each bore powerful testimonies of the gospel.
Bob with new Namibia District President Demus Makuwa (center) and his
two counselors, Charles Kashihakumwa (right) and Muine Samahiya (left).
President Wilson also announced that a new branch was organized last week in Swakompund near Walvis Bay on the country's west coast, with Marcell Noble as branch president. Bob had formed the Swakopmund group "twig" (branch of a branch) under Brother Noble as group leader back in 2007. 

After an intermediate hymn, the two existing branch presidents were released and the three new branch presidencies were sustained, the new branch boundaries were presented in some detail and the meeting was concluded with the mission president's testimony, a hymn ("The Spirit of God") and a prayer. The new branch is named the Wanaheda Branch, and it joins the Windhoek, Katutura and Swakopmund branches in the new Namibia District. Following the meeting, the three branches met separately in three different parts of the building. Anyone who weren't sure which branch they were in checked the big map, and the three new branch presidencies took some time with their branch membership. 

We gathered out behind the church for photos. One branch was still meeting, so the group photo only included about 2/3 of those in attendance. Lots of children and young adults were there, and we met lots of friends if young adults. We took our photos with several of the leaders and their families. 

Charles & Theopolina Kashihakumwa Family

With President Swartbooi and his family. He is counselor to the mission president
and his oldest son is the  Elders Quorum President in the new Wanaheda Branch

We loved the time we spent with the new district presidency and their beautiful families! President Makuwa was a new convert when he stood on the hill overlooking the city in 1992 with a handful of church members as Elder Russell M. Nelson dedicated the country of Namibia for the preaching of the gospel. 

The second branch, the Katutura Branch was organized by Bob 14 years later in 2006, and now, less than 7 years later, the number of units has doubled again to four, with a powerful district presidency and a counselor in the mission presidency, all native Namibians. It is so fun and rewarding to witness, and be part of, the fantastic growth of the Church in the countries of Africa!

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